The RV Project

"There Are No Wrong Roads to Anywhere"

Archive for the month “July, 2013”

Summer Lovin’ – Slug Style

At first, the two slugs seemed to just be hanging out on a tree, one following the other. Slowly but surely, the spotted slug started turning around towards the unicolored one forming a "P" shape.

At first, the two slugs seemed to just be hanging out on a tree, one following the other. Slowly but surely, the spotted slug started turning around towards the unicolored one forming a “P” shape.

Last night, as Spenser was walking back from the toilet to our trailer, a pair of inconspicuous slugs caught his eye. As we sat mesmerized, we were not prepared for the other-wordly experience we were in for… This further confirms our supposition that Squamish is undoubtedly a magical forest.

Enjoy the weirdness of nature- you just can’t make this sh*t up! 🙂

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29 Celebrations

[vimeo 70693850 w=700 h=394]

On July 15, I turned 29. I normally do a Birthday Challenge on these occasions, of varying levels of involvement (click to read about years 24 and 26). This year I wasn’t sure what Squamish would be like, and I procrastinated mightily in the planning. But after a few days enjoying the boulders in the magical forest, it seemed that nothing could be better than trying to do 29 of the “Top 100” boulder problems the guidebook has to offer.

Full disclosure: apparently these are the "Top 100 plus", meaning plus the best highballs.

Full disclosure: apparently these are the “Top 100 plus”, meaning plus the best highballs.

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Totally Squasome

I’m in the Chief Stawamus Municipal Campground in Squamish, British Columbia, sitting underneath a large redwood, the thick branches obscuring most of the sky directly above. Thanks to their cover, I’m able to type this blog post outside during a rain shower, while boulderers stream back to the campground for shelter. In front of me is a beautiful mural painted on the side of the trailer, an inquisitive elephant gazing out through a drippy, bright, scribbled jungle of color. Just beyond our trailer I can see the end of Lord Howe Sound, where kiteboarders are zipping about and leaving fleeting white trails of wake. The waters, multicolored from two rivers meeting the ocean, are contained by forested slopes with granite outcrops that peak at thousands of feet, a vaguely fjord-ish juxtaposition that reminds us of the glacial past.

My view while typing. Thanks to Nate Ethington for painting this amazing piece while the trailer was parked in Portland. Please visit for more of his work.

My view while typing. Thanks to Nate Ethington for painting this amazing piece while the trailer was parked in Portland. Please visit for more.

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Tow Truck Confidential

Damn, it feels good to be back. On the road, that is.

I haven’t written in a while, mostly because I’ve been doing my best to keep busy since we arrived back to the Bay Area. If I am doing other stuff, I don’t think about climbing. If I don’t think about climbing, I don’t get sad. Good plan. Right?

Meh, it was an okay plan, but it’s the best one I could think of under a looming depression. Well, that sounded depressing. Let’s go with hovering depression. More hovering than looming. Anyway…

I show no perceptible signs of injury (albeit a slightly swollen left middle finger). I am also not hindered or unable to do anything else except for climb. The single thing I’ve obsessed over and devoted the majority of my time to this past year. I guess I should mention that I also can’t give people the middle finger with my left hand, but that bothers me slightly less. 😉

Not climbing naturally creates an emptiness that I’ve been desperately trying to fill.

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